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EASE Type 1 Diabetes Resolution

By the Honorable Richard D. Roth, 31st Senatorial District;

Relative to

Member Resolution No. 202

Dated this 14th day of March, 2016





Honorable Richard D. Roth

31st Senatorial District

    WHEREAS, Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects an estimated 29.1 million Americans, or 9.3 percent of the population, on a daily basis; and


    WHEREAS, Approximately 3.8 million people in California are living with diabetes, and it is estimated that over one million Californians are undiagnosed; and


    WHEREAS, Diabetes costs an estimated $37.1 billion in California each year; and


    WHEREAS, Type 1 diabetes, previously called juvenile-onset diabetes, occurs when the body does not produce insulin, a hormone that is necessary to convert sugar, or glucose, into energy; and


    WHEREAS, Type 1 diabetes is the third most common autoimmune disease among children; and


    WHEREAS, Between 2001 and 2009, there was a 21-percent increase in the prevalence of Type 1 diabetes in people under 20 years of age; and


    WHEREAS, Only 5 percent of diabetics have Type 1 diabetes, and it is typically diagnosed in children and young adults; and


    WHEREAS, Early diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes is critical to raising awareness and diagnosing and treating this condition effectively; and


    WHEREAS, In 2009, among hospital discharges of children and young people 0 to 17 years of age, about 74 percent had diabetes as the fist-listed diagnosis, and of the patients, 64 percent of the diagnoses were for diabetic ketoacidosis; and


    WHEREAS, Education concerning Type 1 diabetes is critical to raising awareness and diagnosing and treating this condition effectively; and


    WHEREAS, With the help of insulin therapy and other treatments, young children and adolescents can learn to manage their condition and live long, healthy lives; and


    WHEREAS, Since early diagnosis is the key to successful treatment of Type 1 diabetes, health care practitioners can increase the likelihood of early diagnoses by discussing warning signs and symptoms of Type 1 diabetes with parents or guardians at least once a year during well-child visits for infants and children from birth to five years of age; now, therefore, be it


    RESOLVED BY SENATOR RICHARD D. ROTH, That he calls the attention of the public to the importance of raising awareness about Type 1 diabetes through education and learning to recognize the warning signs and symptoms of this chronic disease so that it may be diagnosed early in its course and treated effectively.

EASE Type 1 Diabetes awareness organization
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