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EASE T1D resolution 63 Senator Richard Roth

Press Release March 14, 2016


Senator Roth’s Measure to Raise Awareness of Type 1 Diabetes Approved by State Senate


Senate Resolution 63 encourages health care practitioners with children under their care to discuss the warning signs and symptoms of Type 1 diabetes with parents.

Senator Richard D. Roth’s (D-Riverside) measure to raise awareness of Type 1 diabetes passed the State Senate today on a bipartisan, unanimous vote of 38-0. “I am proud to have authored Senate Resolution 63 and thank my colleagues in the State Senate for joining me in raising awareness of this life threatening disease,” said Senator Roth. “Educating parents regarding Type 1 diabetes is critical to diagnosing and treating this condition early and effectively, helping ensure children and adolescents learn to manage their condition and live long, healthy lives.” Despite common misconceptions, diet and lifestyle are not causes of Type 1 diabetes and it cannot be prevented. It is a chronic, life-threatening autoimmune disease for which there is currently no cure. SR 63 encourages health care practitioners with children under their care to discuss the warning signs and symptoms of Type 1 diabetes with the parents or guardians of each child at least once annually at well-child care visits from birth to 5 years of age.

SR 63 has received strong support from Education, Awareness, Support and Empowerment (EASE) T1D, an organization founded by mothers Debbie George, and Michelle Thornburg, all of whom have children with Type 1 diabetes. EASE T1D, which is sponsored by the nonprofit Institute for Education, Research and Scholarships (IFERS), a 501(c)(3), advocates educating parents on the signs and symptoms of T1D at all well baby/child care visits in an effort to prevent Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA), a potentially life-threatening condition.


The 31st State Senate District includes portions of Riverside County including the communities of Riverside, Moreno Valley, March Air Reserve Base, Perris, Corona, Norco, Eastvale and Jurupa Valley.

Debbie George EASE t1d founder


Raising Awareness of Type 1 Diabetes

By Debbie George, Founder of EASE T1D Organization | October 10, 2017


Type 1 Diabetes is a chronic, autoimmune disease in which a person’s pancreas produces little to no

insulin leaving a person insulin dependent for life. It cannot be prevented and can affect anyone. Unlike

Type 2 Diabetes, Type 1 Diabetes is not related to diet or exercise. Alarmingly, Type 1 Diabetes is on the

rise, according to a study that examined the prevalence of diabetes in the United States’ pediatric

population from 2002–13. That study found an increase of almost 60 percent during that time period.

There is currently no cure.


For those living with the condition, Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) affects every aspect of life. It is a careful

balancing act of food, exercise, and insulin, as well as a number of additional factors. Too much insulin

can cause a low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and should be treated immediately with glucose. Not

enough insulin can cause a high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), which often starts slowly, but can lead to a

medical emergency if not treated with insulin.


The Corona-Norco Unified School District has made raising awareness about Type 1 Diabetes a priority.

The district is educating students and staff about the symptoms, which are often mistaken for a virus,

and include extreme thirst, frequent urination, weakness/fatigue, and weight loss. Last November,

Corona-Norco USD partnered with the PADRE Foundation, a Type 1 Diabetes nonprofit organization, to

present an educational program about diabetes at two school sites, Citrus Hills Intermediate and

Santiago High schools. The PADRE Foundation’s presentations use Youth Leaders who have T1D to

educate school communities about the ways living with the disease affects their daily lives, and the

challenges they face managing T1D.


Erica Holguin, a teacher at Santiago High School, was happy to see the school participate. "Raising

awareness in schools about Type 1 Diabetes is important because it mainly affects children and teens.

We have 22 T1D students currently at my school,” she said. “If our students know the signs and

symptoms of T1D, hyper/hypoglycemia, and what to do to help ... they could potentially save a life!

Raising awareness will also bring understanding and compassion and help end the stereotypes and

bullying that comes to students who are different.”


Corona-Norco USD has also helped raise awareness through the dissemination of T1D educational flyers

to all K-6 schools and educational posters to all 50 health clerk/nurse offices, as well as posting the

information on school websites.


EASE T1D, an organization dedicated to spreading awareness about Type 1 Diabetes., recommends the

following steps to raise awareness about the disease this November, National Diabetes Awareness

Month: post educational flyers at school sites and on websites; hang awareness banners; include T1D

facts in school communications, such as school newsletters and PA morning announcements; and wear

blue, the official color designated to bring awareness to the disease, on Fridays in November and on

November 14, World Diabetes Day.


Raising awareness about this life-threatening disease can save lives and foster understanding in school

communities. On behalf of EASE T1D, I thank you for the opportunity to share our mission of raising

awareness about Type 1 Diabetes and hope to see every school site participate this November!





Beyond Type 1:


Study: Prevalence of Diabetes and Diabetic Nephropathy in a Large U.S. Commercially

Insured Pediatric Population, 2002–2013, American Diabetes Association:


Debbie George is the mother of a son with Type 1 Diabetes who was diagnosed at the age of 2, and

Founder of EASE T1D, which stands for Education, Awareness, Support, Empowerment on Type 1

Diabetes. Since her son’s diagnosis, she has made it her mission to raise awareness about the disease

and its symptoms.

EASE T1D diabetes organization

EASE Type 1 Diabetes: D-Moms Advocate to Avoid Misdiagnosis

Written by Mike Hoskins | Published on December 1, 2015



Misdiagnosis is a big issue with type 1 diabetes, as it's often overlooked or taken for some other minor ailment before the ugly consequences of that mistake take hold. That's why it's good to see a new grassroots non-profit formed to raise awareness about just this issue: a group calling itself EASE T1D.

The name is an acronym for Education, Awareness, Support and Empowerment, and this California-based non-profit is the joint effort of three moms of kids with type 1: Debbie George, and Michelle Thornburg. The duo says they recognized "areas of significant need" in D-awareness and joined forces to apply their knowledge and passion in an effort to “EASE” T1D.

They've created what appears to be a leading model for local community action -- just digging in and getting things done right where they live.

We talked to one of the founding D-Moms, Debbie George, recently about what this group is all about and how it differs from the many other awareness-raising groups already on the scene:


An Interview with Ease T1D Diabetes Awareness Group;


DM) Debbie, can you start by telling us a bit about yourself and the D-Moms who formed this group?


DG) All three of us have children who were placed in real danger by being misdiagnosed. My son Dylan was diagnosed when he was 25 months old. He was misdiagnosed twice resulting in collapsed veins from dehydration, a BG of 538 and a four-day hospital stay. This is why raising awareness to the signs and symptoms is so important to me! Dylan is now almost 14 and is thriving. He is a smart (straight-A student) funny, athletic kid who loves to play baseball and snowboard. He enjoys doing just about anything outdoors; T1D won’t slow him down. He is my superhero!

Michelle’s daughter Sierra is force of nature. She is athletic, smart and has more energy than most of us. She has no fear and lets nothing stop her from achieving her goals. Sierra was diagnosed T1D at the age of 15 months old and then three years later she was also diagnosed with Celiac Disease. Despite her medical challenges, Sierra continues to educate newly diagnosed T1D’s as well as school staff and parents. She wants to go to college on a volleyball and academic scholarship, start rock climbing, ride horses and advocate for all T1Ds. Sierra is just 11 years old but you will undoubtedly see more of this T1D hero!

And Robyn’s daughter Emma is now 14 years old and was diagnosed with T1D in June of 2010 at the age of 9. She loves dogs and hopes to operate a dog rescue organization one day. She is a straight-A student and is very involved in activities such as Color Guard, Art Club, and volunteering regularly in our community. Her strength and courage managing her diabetes is very inspiring.


What made you decide to start your own non-profit?


EASE T1D is committed to bringing global awareness on type 1 diabetes through educational materials, national ad campaigns and sponsoring kids for diabetes camp, as well as donating funds to find the much-needed cure. Having a non-profit status helps us to raise these funds to achieve our mission.


What have you accomplished so far?


The mission of EASE T1D is to bring:

  • EDUCATION to medical professionals, school staff, and the general public about how to treat and care for children with type 1 diabetes.

  • AWARENESS on the differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes as well as support the implementation of legislation on the signs and symptoms of type 1 diabetes to parents at all well baby/child care visits, in an effort to prevent misdiagnosis.

  • SUPPORT our T1D community through the sharing of resources, family events and personal experiences.

  • EMPOWERMENT to families through support, knowledge, and unity.

We feel there are significant voids in our T1D community that must be met. For example, we need medical professionals and school staff to be better educated on type 1 diabetes in order to care for our children. There also needs to be a better understanding of the differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. We believe with community involvement, together, we can make change happen!


Have you considered collaborating with other groups working on these identical goals, such as Get Diabetes Right and Beyond Type 1? How do you avoid "re-inventing the wheel?"


Our group of course gains nothing by competing with other T1D organizations. But don't forget that legislation is state-by-state. Our organization exists because we are dedicated to addressing a multitude of issues that others may have no time or interest to pursue. For example, not every individual or organization may feel it plausible or necessary to address their local school officials or medical professionals about T1D screening. We are prepared to have these complicated conversations to provide a better understanding of this misunderstood disease to help ensure the safety of all of our children. 

We're very aware of the very important advocacy efforts of Tom Karlya and Get Diabetes Right, for one. We have communicated with Tom in regard to implementing similar “Reegan’s Rule” legislation in California. Tom has been very helpful and we appreciate his knowledge and insight.


Where are you in getting this diabetes legislation passed in your state?


EASE T1D has begun the legislative process to enact in California, North Carolina’s Reegan’s Rule, which calls for parent education on the signs and symptoms of type 1 diabetes at well-child care visits from birth to age 5 years, in an effort to prevent misdiagnosis. We are also asking to screen for elevated blood glucose levels when children present flu-like symptoms with a finger stick test. We have met with both California Assemblyman Eric Linder and Senator Richard Roth’s representatives in hopes of having this legislation authored. We have another meeting set with Senator Roth himself on December 16th.

Are you focused only on California, or do you have plans to expand beyond the West Coast?

EASE T1D’s base is in Southern California, however, we are spreading awareness globally through social media.


Beyond the Reegan's Rule work, what's your plan for raising T1D awareness?


We're currently in the process of distributing our recently approved Type 1 Diabetes Awareness flyer to a local school district. Our hope is to get this flyer distributed nationwide through social media.

We've also begun speaking on T1D and how our children need better care at schools at local groups such as UNITY (United Neighbors Involving Today’s Youth) meetings (a Corona, CA-based social action coalition), at Kiwanis Club meetings, and at local PTA Counsel Meetings, which include our School District’s Superintendent as well as school principals and administrators. Our awareness flyer was recently approved to be distributed to all K-6 schools in our Corona/Norco School District in an effort to raise awareness on the signs and symptoms of T1D but also inform people of just what T1D is.


What about your diabetes camp sponsorships?


EASE T1D has personal connections to Camp Conrad Chinook and The Diabetic Youth Families of California (DYF). The camp experience is one we feel children benefit from greatly. As our organization grows, we will expand the number of camps we will sponsor.


You mentioned that you support cure research, too?


EASE T1D does support cure research, in particular the work of Dr. Denise Faustman. However, our main focus as stated in our mission is on awareness and educational materials on T1D. The percentage donated will vary depending upon funds raised.


Many in the diabetes advocacy and patient community have started pushing for a more united advocacy front that does not distinguish the types as much. What do you say about that?


EASE T1D’s focus is on type 1 diabetes awareness.


Still, sometimes the language we use appears to imply those with type 2 are automatically at fault... Can't we do better? 


I'm sure you would agree how crucial it is for the general public to understand the differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. As you know, type 2 diabetes has many contributing factors and their own share of misconceptions, none of which we perpetuate. Diabetes is not a single disease, as there are varying types which are very different. Type 1 diabetes is on the rise and we believe it deserves recognition. If the distinction between the two is not made, we fear we will see many more blue candles surfacing in our Facebook news feeds and the funds needed to find a cure will be lost. It is difficult to raise money for a disease which is nearly invisible. EASE T1D is a small organization committed to doing big things in our community. Our T1D community is like family and without each others' support, none of this is possible. 


What’s next for EASE T1D?


We are just getting started. We use social media to raise awareness and would eventually like to have a T1D commercial -- that is in the future of course. We also plan to increase our donations to camps, because having the camp experience for your child is like none other and builds bonds with families who experience the same struggles you do daily. As far as donating for a cure, we believe in Dr. Denise Faustman who is in Phase II Clinical Trials for the BCG Vaccine. Please visit our website at for more information.


We love your passion, Ladies. Looking forward to seeing how you move forward with EASE T1D.


Disclaimer: This content is created for Diabetes Mine, a consumer health blog focused on the diabetes community. The content is not medically reviewed and doesn't adhere to Healthline's editorial guidelines.

Know The Facts: Type 1 Diabetes

Posted on October 29, 2015 by City of Corona


World Diabetes Day is November 14. EASE T1D (Education Awareness Support Empowerment) is hosting a day of fun and awareness that will include a car exhibit by Porsche Club of Riverside, vendors, raffles, henna art tattoos, food, and a Police k-9 demonstration by the City of Corona Police Department.


The event will be held at 4340 Maidstone Circle from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. for more information, please visit the EASE T1D website.


EASE T1D is the joint effort of three mothers; Debbie George, Robyn Lopez and Michelle Thornburg, all who have children with type 1 diabetes, who recognize areas of significant need and have joined forces to apply their knowledge and passion in an effort to “EASE” Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) through education, awareness, support and empowerment.


“We feel there are significant voids in our T1D community that must be met. For example, we need medical professionals and school staff to be better educated on Type 1 diabetes in order to care for our children. There also needs to be a better understanding of the differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. We believe with community involvement, together, we can make change happen!”


EASE T1D has begun the legislative process to enact in California, North Carolina’s Reegan’s Rule, which calls for parent education on the signs and symptoms of type 1 diabetes at well-child care visits from birth to age 5 years, in an effort to prevent misdiagnosis. We are also asking to screen for elevated blood glucose levels when children present flu-like symptoms with a finger stick test. We have met with both California Assemblyman, Eric Linder and Senator Richard Roth’s representatives in hopes of having this legislation authored.


Type 1 diabetes is a chronic life threatening autoimmune disease in which a person’s pancreas produces little, to no insulin. It can occur at any age, but is usually diagnosed from infancy to the late thirties and lasts a lifetime.



  • Has nothing to do with diet or lifestyle

  • Is not preventable

  • Is not reversible

  • Has no cure

  • Can occur at any age, including infants

  • Requires insulin dependency for life




Type 1 Diabetes onset looks similar to the flu virus. Ask your doctor to check for elevated blood glucose levels with a simple finger stick test or a urinalysis if you or your child exhibit the below symptoms:


  • Extreme thirst

  • Frequent urination

  • Drowsiness/lethargy

  • Weight loss

  • Increased appetite

  • Sudden vision changes

  • Fruity scent on breath

  • Nausea/vomiting

  • Heavy, labored breathing

  • Stupor/unconsciousness


SEEK IMMEDIATE CARE if multiple symptoms occur, it could be Diabetic Ketoacidosis which can be fatal if not treated.

EASE T1D diabetes awareness USA


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EASE T1D is a proud member of Corona Chamber of Commerce

EASE T1D is not a healthcare provider, and we do not provide information to be used as a substitution for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. We encourage you to seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions about your medical condition and treatment options.


We take the issue of your personal privacy very seriously. We pledge to never make available to any third party your personal information. We will never sell your name or email address to anyone, including other publishers or advertising partners.

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